Friday, November 5, 2010

Shamisen Festival

On the 16th of October, I traveled to a nearby city, Narita, to enjoy their 弦まつり (festival of stringed instruments). The translation is misleading, as the festival was almost entirely devoted to shamisen. Of course, this is why I was drawn there. The festival culminated with a joint performance of roughly 150 performers, representing more than seven famous schools. Perhaps the single most impressive performer was the young, blind master in the center of the stage. You can probably pick him out in the video I made below:

I also had a great lunch at a Brazilian restaurant, Galeteria.

Narita also has a beautiful temple set on a massive hill. The temple is surrounded by expansive gardens, complete with ponds, a waterfall, and giant koi.

There is also a "turtle rock" overflowing with sunbathing turtles.